
Isn’t it crazy to think that for over a year and a half everyone on planet earth has been impacted by this epidemic?! Whether we’ve had it or known someone who has, I think it’s safe to say it’s hit us all in one degree or another. And the reality...


Today I want to talk about canaries! No, I’m not an ornithologist nor a bird lover. And yes, this topic seems strange for a wellness blog, but hang with me, as always, there is a point! For those of you who don’t know, canaries are small finch songbirds. They are...


Quick disclaimer: With the content of this blog, I by no means intend to deny, dismiss or minimize health issues that people struggle with and the need to address those issues. My heart’s desire with this blog is to encourage you to think outside the box and perhaps encounter a...

Weight Is That Really YOU?!!

Me on Outreach in Costa Rica 2006 Weight...Is That Really YOU?!! Everyone has a health story, including me! There are many layers to my story, but today I want to share specifically about eating. Over the years, I have had a number of patients look me over and openly question...

Soul Food Beginnings

Welcome to Soul Food Wellness! For the last 11+ years, I have had the privilege to work with some amazing doctors and patients in different clinics, assisting with patient care through wellness coaching and nutrition. Through these experiences, as well as walking through my own health journey, I learned so...