Today I want to talk about canaries! No, I’m not an ornithologist nor a bird lover. And yes, this topic seems strange for a wellness blog, but hang with me, as always, there is a point! For those of you who don’t know, canaries are small finch songbirds. They are typically yellow in color and were originally native to the Macaronesian Islands. During the olden days, miners would bring canaries deep into the caves with them. They didn’t do this because they were lonely, but rather to help detect deadly carbon monoxide levels before it was too late. You see, canaries have a low sensitivity to carbon monoxide, so if they died, the miners knew it was time to get out! So basically, these sweet little birds were sacrificed to help keep miners safe. And this is where the term “canary in the cave” was coined. 

But enough about canaries and mining, let’s get to the point. A few months ago I took part in a health summit to learn from some of the top functional medicine practitioners. Dr Jeffery Bland, the founding father of modern functional medicine, was one of the last speakers and he said something that really struck me. He said that patients who are “canaries in the cave” are imperative to the world’s health. That may seem confusing, so I want to break down today exactly what he meant by that. 

As I do, I’m going to introduce a very non-medical term that I made up called a “health canary”. A health canary is an individual who is very sensitive when it comes to their health and their responses to the environment. They have more severe reactions to things such as foods, medicines, and changes happening around them than most do. These patients may have multi-chemical sensitivities, food sensitivities, allergies, chronic health issues & the like. Their symptoms may manifest as headaches, brain fog, trouble breathing, rashes, fatigue, anxiety/depression, or just feeling off. And some individuals have more severe reactions than others. Unfortunately, health canaries are often dismissed, made fun of or ridiculed because of the issues they report. But regardless, as Dr. Bland was saying, they deserve our attention.

Health canaries have been around for a long time. We can thank them for the banning of many toxic additives and chemicals that were once deemed as safe for everyone. In our modern world with the increase of technology, convenient and cheap options, health canaries have increased in numbers as well as their reactions. They may react to genetically modified foods, food additives, electromagnetic fields, or chemicals. 

The bottom line is that health canaries have real reactions and instead of dismissing or making fun of them, perhaps we should take a closer look. Of course, we don’t want to live in fear, but we also don’t want to live in ignorance. So let me pose the question: What if they are right? What if the things they have severe reactions to in small amounts could be killing the rest of us slowly over time? With the increase of chronic diseases and health issues, I believe entertaining this idea is warranted & necessary. 

A word to those who are not health canaries: If you have been less than understanding of another person who seems to be in this boat, I challenge you to take a step back and if nothing else, to have more compassion. Understand that not everyone has the same ability to detoxify and respond to things in the same way. And often, this is due to genetics: which means it can’t be changed. But also, consider the possibility that perhaps they are right. What if, like the canary in the cave, health canaries are indeed responding to something real that is not safe for anyone, including you? Food for thought. 

A word to those of us who are canaries: If something seems off or you seem to react to certain foods or chemicals, listen to your body because it is trying to tell you something. And the message it is conveying could be the key to your recovery as well as uncovering what may be harmful to the rest of us. If you have been told it’s all in your head or to just get over it, perhaps it’s time to get another opinion?! And of course, don’t feel that you need to push through and do/eat/breathe what everyone else is just to fit in. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself because you are uniquely made. 

In summary, health canaries play an imperative role for us all. Their sensitivities are a God-send for those who are slower responders to harmful things. If this concept has struck a chord with you as it did for me, perhaps today is the day to do something different. Instead of ignoring the warning signs, maybe it’s time to pay attention and change things up before it’s too late. Whether it’s eating cleaner or using less toxic products, there are literally thousands of steps you could take today towards better health. But remember it starts with one step. If you aren’t sure where to start, please reach out and we would love to help. 

Thanks so much for reading!
