Welcome to Soul Food Wellness! For the last 11+ years, I have had the privilege to work with some amazing doctors and patients in different clinics, assisting with patient care through wellness coaching and nutrition. Through these experiences, as well as walking through my own health journey, I learned so much and my passion for helping others to be well has grown exponentially! As Soul Food Wellness is launched, I thought it would be good to reflect on how a dream that began when I was in school, is becoming a reality.

Several years ago, when I was creating my business plan for a class, a seed was planted in my heart to see it become a reality one day. The business would be one where I could help others experience true wellness, but would also allow me to have flexibility with my schedule to pursue other dreams like having a family, being more involved in ministry & going anywhere geographically. Years down the road, the name “Soul Food” came to mind as a business name. Growing up in small town Wisconsin, the only soul food I ever tasted was fried chicken on the occasional trip to Hardees after church on Sundays with my family. But to me, Soul Food meant more than fried chicken or Southern comfort food. The name captured my passion for helping others to be well physically (especially nutrition, hence the “Food”) and mentally, but also spiritually (hence the “Soul”). But there the dream sat. Months and sometimes years would go by and I would entertain the dream for a short stint, but back on the shelf it would go. Until 2020 rolled around!

You may be thinking, here comes her story of how COVID catapulted her into finally taking the leap, right?! Well…kinda. Early in 2020, it seemed like a normal Midwest winter complete with sub-zero temps and snowstorms, but in the background, something was stirring in my heart. I had heard talk about this COVID-19 virus and figured it couldn’t possibly be anything more than the bird flu or other recent scares. Well, I was wrong! By March, things were getting serious and the world seemed so shaken. But, I was excited spiritually to see how God would work through it all, knowing His faithfulness would somehow see us through. The clinic I worked at was considered essential and allowed to stay open, but things had slowed down. When we were told hours needed to be shortened, I knew I needed to make good use of my time. So I unshelved the business dream again to keep me busy. Yet, even as I worked on the business plan, it seemed like a far off dream. Within a week or two, our hours were back to full time and back on the shelf the dream went, yet again!

In the midst of surviving a pandemic, in April my husband and I experienced a miracle, I found out I was pregnant for the first time in my life! This was a dream even higher up on the shelf than the business plan, but God’s timing came and it happened. We were shocked, but overjoyed and our focus shifted onto becoming parents. Where would the baby’s room be, what kind of birth would I have, how would it work to have a baby with my job, what can I eat without throwing up, etc.?! It was scary and exciting all at once.

One Friday in early June, I was wrapping up at work and a little cough started. That weekend it progressed into what appeared to be a mild cold. I took precautions to stay away from others just in case, but didn’t think much of it. Monday rolled around and it seemed to be getting worse, so I stayed home. Later that day, a fever set in and also digestive issues. The OB nurse suggested I have a COVID test done. So, Tuesday morning I went to the clinic and got tested. I could handle COVID, but I wasn’t ready for the unthinkable. That day I also began to miscarry. If there is one thing in life you wish you could put the brakes on and bring to a screeching halt, this was it for me. But there was nothing I could do. Over the next days I ended up in the ER, the test results came back positive, the miscarriage was complete, I had some other infections, my husband was fevering with the virus and our world was shaken. It brought me to my knees and really made me rethink my life. In my brokenness, I felt God asking me to take his hand as if to accept the call to a new adventure. What had I to hold onto at that point? My house was just a house and my possessions were just possessions. In the depths of my soul, I didn’t really want those things. I wanted more of Him and I wanted His best for my life. I stayed home about a month in total to recover and slowly eased my way back into working full time, but things just weren’t the same. I knew God was calling me to something new. 

Even before the pandemic and miscarriage, my husband and I had thrown around the idea of selling our house so we could go somewhere new; for him it was somewhere warmer! The fall of 2020 rolled around and we hemmed and hawed until it seemed like we would need to wait until the deep Wisconsin freeze had passed to consider selling the house. But on a warm October day, something shifted and we felt like we should go for it! We made preparations to put the house on the market and within a few weeks the house was ready. A day before listing it, some friends who had just sold their house asked to see it, loved it and made an offer. The ensuing weeks before closing were busy. By the end of December, we were “homeless” and I had left my work family of almost 7 years. It was a bittersweet whirlwind.

With this transition ahead, I was often asked what I would do next or where we were going; but to be honest, I really wasn’t sure of much. I was sure of a few things: I would stay with family for a bit, reconnect with friends, ski, continue to stay educated about nutrition, knit, read and, of course, spend time with loved ones! And for the last weeks, I have done all these things. My husband and I also took a trip to Texas in February to explore (more about that later)! 

I had envisioned bringing Soul Food back off the shelf somewhere along this new journey, but not quite so soon. But once the dust of December settled, I felt the green light to begin dreaming again. I have spent time each day developing ideas for Soul Food. With my husband’s help, we are building a website, I’ve created my logo, designs & materials, and have made steps toward making the dream a reality. It’s been a season of creating…it’s been fun!

I honestly don’t know how it will all work out. Many of the what’s, where’s, when’s, and how’s are still unknown. But, I know God gave me the dream and He will surely bring it to a completion! I am honored to be used by Him to serve others. I look forward to the days ahead and would like to extend a welcome for you to join me! Whether you stay connected on social media, read my blogs, try a recipe or health hack, have a consultation, or become a patient, you’re all part of the Soul Food Wellness journey. Thank you in advance for the privilege to be part of your life and I look forward to this season ahead. It is my prayer that this Soul Food Wellness will impact YOU mind, body and soul!



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